Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Welcome to the Disney Villains Blog Hop --- who doesn't want to cheer occassionally for the villain or just cringe under your chair!!! Disney has made all these wonderful villains with so much character that it has become a love/hate relationship!

All the Disney Princess' and al the Disney characters have their arch rival/villain -- the puppies in 101 Dalmations has Cruella DeVille, Ariel has Ursela, Sleeping Beauty and Maleficent, Alice in Wonderland with the Queen and Hearts, Peter Pan and Captain Hook or the Evil Queen with Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.....

Which Disney Villain will be displayed today to cause you to cringe and cheer is what our hop is dedicated to. Sit back, get ready to hide your eyes when the villains appear!!!

If you just happened to stop and visit me today, I'm thrilled but would love for you to start at the beginning of our hop as not to miss a single villain! If you arrived from then you are on the right journey!

I have done handmade hand cut paper piecing ....i love them and I cant wait to use them.

each piece is traced chalked or inked and 
then glued together 

evil queen



(my fav)


(my second fav)

Here is your line up in case you get lost
  1. Kimberly ~
  2. Lisa ~
  3. Susanne~
  4. Anita~ 
  5. cathie~

Thanks again for stopping to visit our villains.


Anita said...

They are all great!!!!!!Fantastic project.
Hugs, Anita

Lisa said...

Wow, your paper piecings turned out great and I know how much work went into these. Can hardly wait to see how you use these pieces. TFS

Lynn B. said...

These are wonderful! Great job, thanks for sharing them.